Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reorganizing The Homeschool Den's Links

I developed this blog in large part for me.  It helps me keep a record of what we've done and it also helps me stay organized and keep track of websites where I've gotten activity ideas and printables.  You should see my drafts!!  Whenever I'm cruising around trying to find information and activities for new units I create a "draft" and link lots of the websites I come across. I have about three or four times as many draft posts for myself as "real" posts about what we're doing.  That way if I come across a wonderful activity about money or a cool website about Native Americans that we won't use until later I can keep tabs on it.  I always wonder if other peoples blogs are as much of a mess as mine is behind the scenes!

Anyway,  I had lots (and lots and lots) of links on the side bars, so I could simply follow my own links to the websites I wanted to visit.  It was starting to look really sloppy, though, so I placed all my favorite websites on another page. The links at the top left will take you there and it's organized in sections by color:
Homeschool Blogs I Enjoy (pink)
Useful Homeschool Websites (purple)
Teacher's Blogs (Blue)
Random Websites I like to Visit (art, music, stories, file folder games, etc.) (peach)
Montessori Websites (yellow)

So, there you have it. A tad bit of organization here at The Homeschool Den. Now I'd better go tackle the house and dishes! :) 


  1. Now can you come clean up my bucket of links? My current "organization" for HS involves sending the kids messages on Gmail that have headers for topic and links in the messages. It's a good thing I have access to their accounts! (And at least Gmail is searchable!)

  2. Hi,

    You have a blog award over at my blog. www.dottiesuniverse.blogspot.com.

  3. I am a Single full time dad on disability getting no help from their moms. It a struggle every day. My boys are 15 and 9 been doing this by myself for 8 years now it’s completely drained all my savings everything . These guys are the present day ROBIN HOOD. Im back on my feet again and my kids can have a better life all thanks to the blank card i acquired from skylink technology. Now i can withdraw up too 3000 per day Contact them as well on Mail: skylinktechnes@yahoo.com   or   whatsspp/telegram: +1(213)785-1553
