Another reason to by thankful this month... About a week before we went down to visit my sister and her family, my niece found a stray kitten. They took her to the vet, gave her shots and generally looked after her. Although they just bought a farm, they couldn't really keep the kitty. They asked if we'd like her. So on the return trip home we stopped in to pick up the latest member of our little cozy den here -- the kids named her Crystal Fire:
Crystal and Boomer have been introduced, but have yet to spend unsupervised time together. Boomer has spent most of her life chasing cats and squirrels out of the vicinity. She's still not sure what to make of Crystal! |
Boomer is a Red Heeler. We got her from the RSPCA in Australia. She's now three. |
What a beautiful little fluffy baby! :)