
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Introducing Quarter Notes, Half Notes and Whole Notes

When I first introduced quarter notes, half notes and
whole notes to the kids, I showed the kids the sandpaper
. They looked at the notes, felt them, and also shut
their eyes to guess what they had.

Then I showed them the rhythm pizza pieces. We
stacked them and talked about how many quarter slices
were needed to make a whole pizza, etc. I thought this
was a clever, creative way to introduce the topic to
the kids.

I also (re)introduced the idea of ta, ti-ti and rests. I had
them "buy" some candy by choosing a card and telling
us the rhythm (we had to repeat after them).

Candy bar rhythms

I used the fish-rhythm cards below to play a
circle game. I set out six cards that we had to
sit behind. Then we sang a song:

Charlie over the ocean
Charlie over the sea
Charlie caught a blackbird
Could've been me...

as one person tapped each seated player on the head.
When the song ended, the last person tapped
had to chase the tapper around the circle. The
tapper had to try to sit down before s/he was
caught. Then s/he had to tell us what his/her
card was.

Here's where you can download the other part of the
fish rhythm matching cards (with number values).

Be sure to visit and for more wonderful music-teaching ideas and downloads.

UPDATE, Fall 2015:
My youngest is now 7 and this semester the kids will be learning/reviewing notes, rhythm, music notation and more.  Using a lot of free resources, I have put our Music Curriculum plans together into a 8-week plan (it might take us longer) that is a free download over at my new location.  The packet is 15 pages or so AND it has hyperlinks to many *amazing* free music resources.  Again, you will find that new post over at my new location,  Free Beginner's Music Curriculum: Learning Notes, Rhythm, Music Notation and more   See you there! ~Liesl

 You'll find links to lots of the different games and activities we'll be using:

Follow our Musical Journey in Pictures this Semester (Fall 2015):
You might be interested in these free composer resources if you are doing Music Appreciation. Here you'll find free composer cards, poster, lapbook and more: Music Appreciation: Famous Music Composers 
See you soon over at our new location: or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page. ~Liesl

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