
Friday, February 4, 2011

A Few of ED's Activities (Age 3)

ED turned three this week! Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

ED still enjoys this math activity.  She does it with snowflakes and Christmas trees -- now I've made up the same activity with heart stickers and beautiful heart erasers from Oriental Trading.  She really gets the one-to-one correspondence now.
We play many, many rounds of Cariboo together.  This game is just perfect for her.  Each card has a shape (triangle, square or circle) a letter (A,B,C) or a color (red, yellow, blue).  She turns over a card and has to open the appropriate door.  If there's a ball under the door, it goes into the slot at the right.  Then it's my turn.  We are working together to open the treasure box and reveal the treasure.
ED absolutely loves coloring these church stained glass windows.  We did this for our Middle Ages project (I'll share that in another day or so), but ED still asks to do a couple each day!
This "Roll a Rocket" game came from a fantastic space unit that can be found at Musings of Me. If you haven't already, be sure to rush over to Michelle's blog to check things out! 

ED has also really, really been enjoying play dough. Today we made a bright purple batch and again she played for over an hour!