
Monday, February 1, 2010

Forest Biome (Woodland Animal Habitat)

-------------- Here's what we did today with our forest
biome study:

1) We sang the continent song and the kids placed the
continents in the world map (the world pin map is at the
top right almost out of the picture).

2) We talked about the fact that different places in the
world have different temperatures and different climates
(ie. different biomes). We talked about our own climate
(a desert)

3) We looked at pictures of the deciduous and coniferous
forests. Then we looked at the world biome map and put
the deciduous and coniferous forest pins in the right
place on the map.

4) We did a deciduous leaf matching game from
(we looked at them first and then played "memory."

5) Then we took turns laying out the the 3-part woodland
animal cards (from the Montessori Print Shop)

6)Then we went on to some squirrel crafts.

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  1. This is great. I like how it turns the learning experience of biomes into a hands of experience! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks so much for writing. I really enjoy writing about our week; I've kept a journal since 5th grade--this just takes the place of paper and pencil. I'm happy that someone finds our little blog useful now and then! Thanks for stopping by. Liesl
